
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I want a genealogy apprenticeship

Like many of my fellow bloggers, I have given thought to becoming a professional genealogist. I have found that I am passionate about the "hunt," even when it isn't for my own ancestors. But I have experimented with starting my own business and my test runs with friends' research only led me to find that I don't yet have the skills to be a professional. My research skills are fairly problem is converting that research to something usable for the client. Plus, I have two small children and I am a stay-at-home mom. I have the time to do online research and contact distant repositories, but visits to libraries-or any other "quiet" place-is not an option. So I got to can I get some experience now that I can apply to my life when the time is more appropriate to act?

A genealogy apprenticeship! It's a perfect idea. I could assist a professional on the Internet steps of research, taking some projects off their plate and allowing them to take more clients. I could shadow them and see the process they use to turn found information into a report for clients. And all FOR FREE. Genealogy is such a lonely hobby and I imagine that this trait transfers to the professional side in some respects as well. Why should we all be lonely? We are reaching out to others through blogging, chat boards and groups, it seems like apprentices are a good route to expand our knowledge.

All that said:

WANTED: One apprenticeship for a budding genealogist. Five years of genealogy research experience (which you'll have to take my word for since I only do it alone). A passion for ancestor hunting that easily transfers to both Internet and repository searches. Occasionally witty and funny at parties. Desire a position that will train in genealogy techniques and research packaging for clients. And it wouldn't hurt to make some contacts in the industry and friends at the same time. Call me!


  1. Heather if you were in California rather than Arkansas, I would snap you up in a minute! I would definitely advertise this on your Facebook page.

  2. Thanks, Sheri! If only I were closer. I will definitely put it on Facebook and see what happens. Thanks!

  3. Can I have an apprenticeship too please? How about getting in touch with one of these companies that tracks down heirs to the estates of people who have died with no apparent family. Good luck.

  4. That's not a bad idea...I don't really enjoy tracing the living, but it would still be experience. Thanks for the idea!

  5. Sheri - Can I do if from Japan! LOL! I love seeing people I know on other people's blogs :) And Heather, now I see why I love your blog so much, you are also from Arkansas! I agree... sign me up!

  6. You have a great idea. Wish I would of thought of it. I have also thought about going pro this way you would gain experience so when the time comes you will be ahead of the game.
