
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I'll jump on the Goal Wagon

Many of my fellow genealogy bloggers have been posting their goals for 2012 over the past week. At first I thought, "how everyone will know what you procrastinate on." But then I realized it is more about holding your own feet to the fire. As stated before, I have a serious case of genealogy ADD. There is something wonderful about just looking at my tree, picking a random branch and exploring. But there is also something uber unproductive about it. So I'll remember that it's a hobby, it's okay if I don't accomplish these (no one will take away my birthday), and it will provide me one of the things I need more than anything else: focus. So, here we go...
1. My grandmother's 80th birthday is in July and I would like to create some type of "life to this date" memento for her and her guests.

2. Finally order the two Sicilian films from the LDS that I have very much procrastinated on.

3. Research first hand accounts of migration from Virginia to Kentucky to Missouri. Many of my family lines made this trek, and while I have no way of knowing what precipitated their moves specifically, perhaps I can find some explanations in the accounts of other migrants.
4. Determine the origins of my Tosh, Bodine, Creed and Reece family lines.

5. Begin a study of occupations of my ancestors.
6. Actually write some posts for my Civil War Remembered series (and yes, this may mean "backdating." It's my blog and I can backdate if I want to.)

7. Change my blog layout. I'm bored.

8. Attempt to track down living relatives in order to locate photographs, stories, journals or just to share what I have.
Here we go. Not too many goals, let's be honest, I can't take that much structure. But I have 12 months to make some kind of dent in this. We'll see how it goes. I have also declared this the Year of Craft in my house. I constantly feel a need to create something, but very rarely act upon it. It's time to put a stop to that and crank out some quilts, embroidery, kids art projects, the list goes on and on and on. Here's to a productive year!


  1. Heather, I had to chuckle when I read your second sentence. I don't like to fail but I particularly don't like to fail publicly. But I've taken on a "to do" list instead of goals. Not only that, I'm doing the monthly list with Stephanie at Corn and Cotton ( It may be too much for me and I'll stop after the January list. We'll see.

    I have to say I especially like the background color of your blog and I don't think any of the rest of it is boring, either.

    Best wishes with your goals. I think they are excellent and sound very doable in a year.

  2. I too have a hard time balancing my hobbies. I have a couple of quilts that I want to make to lighten my fabric stash. Have you ever tried photo transfer fabric? I used it for some blocks in a family wedding blanket last year. It might be a good way to combine your hobbies and create a great gift for your grandma.

    I also totally recommend #2 on your list. I ordered some film from the FHL for my grandfather's hometown in Italy. This is a line that I knew nothing about. I have been able to find 5 generations and a new genealogy buddy researching the same town.

    Have a great year!

  3. Nancy, you are too kind! I would concur, for me monthly goals is just too much.

    Sierra, I also have had great luck with Italian family research through the LDS. The films I need to order will hopefully help either pin an ancestral home down or rule it out. I've been procrastinating for some time on it and just need to rip off the Band Aid! Your idea for a photo quilt is great! I'll have to look in to that fabric...

  4. I've found that by sharing my goals and keeping myself accountable by posting about my progress (or lack of progress), I get more done.

    I start the year with a big list of goals. Each month, I pick a couple to work on. At the end of the month, I review my progress. By the end of the year, I've worked through the list, or at least most of it, and check off what I've accomplished.
