
Friday, November 30, 2012

Follow Friday - Favorites

Favorites is my weekly list of favorite genealogy, history and random finds from across the Net.
A wonderful genealogy relationship yields more surprises, from Old Stones Undeciphered: Treasure Chest Thursday: To My Complete Surprise
Recovering the photos Sandy tried to destroy: Finding Joy Among the Wreckage
A Civil War Serial Killer?: A Serial Murderer in the Regiment?
A nod for my love of 19th century murder mysteries: Murder by Gaslight
Remembering a WWI Soldier at Family History Fun: A Soldier's Short Life
A great tip for Pinterest Groupies: How to Save a Copy of your Pinterest board as a PDF
Hanging from the Family Tree tries Re-searching your Research
A great checklist for Civil War research from Poore Boys in Grey: Facts to look for in researching you Civil War ancestor
Check out this beautiful genealogy bookcase at One Rhode Island Family: A Genealogy Bookcase
An idea for remembering your loved ones: Colorful Memories of Mom


  1. I also thank you!

    Ralph Poore

  2. You are very welcome! I thought your posts were great and wanted to share them.

  3. Many thanks, Heather, for featuring my post on my Great Uncle George in "A Soldier's Short Life". Much appreciated.
