
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday's Tip - What is your best blogging advice?

It seems that this blogging thing is catching on. It wasn't that long ago that there were some Saturdays where Geneabloggers didn't have any new blogs to share. Now? There are 15-20 a week. Great news for all of us, I say. You never know when we'll find a new cousin.

Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Domestic Operations Branch. Bureau of Special Services. (03/09/1943 - 09/15/1945), NARA.
That being said, I got to thinking that some of those new bloggers may like to hear some of our lessons learned.

My best piece of advice is to always include an image in your posts. It could be a family photo, a graphic, or a map, but always include some type of image. Written content is, afterall, the whole point, but images really tie a piece together and make it visually appealing. This is especially important if your post has a lot of text. As a reader, it is hard for me to get through even fascinating content if there are no images to break it up. I'm not sure if that is because I'm a visual learner or because I still read picture books! Long posts can also be separated in to more than one post. It's a win-win: you have more posts and your readers don't get lost in a 10-scroll long post.

There are many places to find free images online for your on your blog. See my post here for some great links for open-source images. Also check out this Wikipedia article which includes many links to public domain images.

What is your best blogging advice?


  1. Have a catchy/interesting title. I find that the posts I publish with a catchy title get more traffic than others. As for myself, I tend to get drawn in by the title, too.

  2. That's a great tip, Debi. Especially important when people read your blog through a reader...they may not even open it if the title isn't appealing.

  3. I haven't been blogging long, but one thing that I do is to write my post in a word-processor, limiting myself as much as possible to a single page. This helps me to keep my posts short, and hopefully readable.

  4. I really appreciate seeing the blogger's name at the end of a post, either typed, an image, or as yours is, Heather: "Posted by Heather Kuhn Roelker." Then when I leave a comment, if I want to use the blogger's name, I don't have to search all over the blog for it. This is a great topic, Heather. Thanks for opening it.

  5. I got started in August, 2012 and I believe a catchy title, pictures/images of documents and not too lengthy is key. In addition visit other blogs once a week to stay updated.

  6. Elroy, that is a good tip. I've typed whole posts in blogger only to have the internet crash and lose them. And I concur with minkyadoo, reading other blogs keeps us in the loop and at least in my case, gives me ideas for other styles a post themes. Great feedback everyone!

  7. I agree with including an image and not making the post too long. I have often written a post, then split it into two posts because it was too long. I also like a catchy title, though sometimes it's hard to come up with one.

    I also am less likely to follow bloggers if there are lots of typos and poor grammar in their posts - so my biggest tip is to proofread!!

  8. Such a good point, Elizabeth! Errors also make me cringe. Blogger does have spellcheck, but it only helps to spell the wrong word right. ;)

  9. What a fantastic post and so inspiring too! Thank you, Heather, and thanks to everyone for their comments.

  10. Thanks, Chris! I plan to pool these together for a post down the line.

  11. This is a great topic, Heather! Hope to see more comments & tips :)

  12. Thanks, Dawn! I plan to gather these tips and do a wrap up post later on.
