
Friday, March 1, 2013

Follow Friday - Favorites for March 1, 2013

Favorites is my weekly list of favorite genealogy, history and random finds from across the Net.

Listen to an entire day of 1939 radio
CNN highlights the world's 10 most beautiful cemeteries
Dawn at Wisteria comes across a unique profession on the census
The American Government's Advice for Yeti Hunters, 1959
A Scrapbook of me shares beautiful $50 wedding gown
A glimpse at a 1930s grocery at The Broersma Ancestry
John at Filiopietism Prism vindicates our genealogy addiction!
A different kind of cousin bait as Are My Roots Showing?
What is your ancestor's dollar worth today?
Strange but interesting: My Daguerreotype of Guy
Betty at My Mother's Family Stories shares that not all family stories are easy to tell, but they must be told


  1. Heather: Thank you for the mention! Always an honor to be among the posts you enjoyed.

    BTW, check out my "Saturday Serendipity" post tomorrow. There's this blog called "Leaves for Trees" that has a couple of posts worth reading -- and commenting on! :-)

  2. Always a pleasure, John! I'll have to check out "Leaves for Trees." ;)

  3. Just wanted to say that I always look forward to your Follow Friday posts. You never fail to lead me to an interesting story or great site that is new to me. This week,I particularly enjoyed CNN's "Beautiful Cemeteries" piece. Yes, I'm one those people who love to visit cemeteries :) Thanks for the post.

  4. Thanks for mentioning my blog post, Heather! Look for my follow-up post on Census Sunday for a surprising outcome... :)
