
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Out to Eat Tuesday - Minsky's Pizza

I was born and raised in a Minsky's Pizza family. I would almost be willing to bet that it was one of my first solid foods. Minsky's Pizza is a pizza chain in Kansas City, Missouri, which opened it's first location in 1976 at 5105 Main St., just south of The Country Club Plaza. I'm not sure how my parents first learned of Minsky's, other than the fact that my father went to college just blocks away at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. 
A view of Minsky's Pizza Joynt in south Kansas City, courtesy Google Street View.
Through all my travels I have never found a pizza as good as that served at Minsky's. Growing up my family would drive half an hour from our home in Kansas City North just to get the pizza. And we always ordered the same kind: A large with 1/2 cheese and 1/2 mushroom and canadian bacon with an extra slapping of cheese on the whole thing. Join that with a pitcher of Pepsi, and later in life, beer. My mother and I would spend a moment to lament my father's "gross" choice of toppings and life was good. We always went home with a happy tummy.
This menu hung on the inside of our kitchen cabinet probably from the day my parents came across Minsky's. My dad would often call our order in and we would take a family drive down to pick it up and bring it home. Other times we would eat-in and meet family friends there for food. When I was old enough to drive I would take my friends there (many of which weren't allowed to "cross the river.") We had celebratory dinners at Minsky's and had it at nearly every slumber party on record.
Nowadays, Minsky's touts itself as "gourmet" pizza, but back then it was just a pizza joynt. Every single time I head home I visit Minsky's. Such good memories are even better when the food rocks. Minsky's is a chain now with 14 locations. If you are ever in Kansas City I highly recommend it!


  1. Great blog post! My family has a place like that in Youngstown, Ohio. The Golden Dawn. A total dive bar. Their pizza is an acquired taste in that it's tasty, but not your traditional pizza. My family spent many meals there after Friday night football games, Saturday basketball, Monday softball. It always seemed to be after sporting events because it was the 'home' bar for our high school.

  2. Heather, I wonder if every family has a favorite pizza place. Your post today got me thinking (she says as she sits at Peets, her favorite coffee place, reading this post).

  3. So how much is Mother Minsky's Combo today? It's fun having that old menu to remind you how you probably complained about the price back then although it never stopped you from enjoying a great pizza.

  4. Joe, the acquired taste type places are always great!

  5. Wendy, that is a good question. I went there by myself not too long ago, got a small pizza and a drink and spent more than $15! To me it was worth it, but it is definitely more pricey than it used to be.

  6. Jacqi, I think everyone has a favorite "joynt." It may not always be pizza, but I bet everyone has their special place they choose when they want to be comfortable. Sadly for my waist I have a lot!
