
Friday, May 17, 2013

Follow Friday - Favorites for May 17, 2013

Favorites is my weekly list of favorite genealogy, history and random finds from across the Net.
Girls and young women beware
The Legal Genealogist reminds us that They Also Served: Women in the military
Beautiful images of Paris shop fronts at The Bees Knees Daily
Genealogy Roadshow Coming to PBS this fall
Everyone needs Chocolate therapy...try this version
A 92-year-old shoe cobbler is the pride of his town
An interesting tale of Frank Baum, the Wizard of the Wizard of Oz at Filiopietism Prism
Annmarie at Skipping Down Memory Lane has finally found a missing child from her family tree!
The Genealogy Guys celebrate their 250th podcast
Mocavo reinvigorates Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness through Genealogy Karma
Donna at Finding Ellen makes a genealogical trip through my stomping grounds
A beautiful and unique brooch at Caroline's Chronicles


  1. Wow, I feel honored to be featured again this week. Thanks so much! Have a great weekend.

    1. You are very welcome! I am very interested in the early 20th century, so I was drawn to your Parisian store fronts!

  2. And a "double Wow" here Heather! Thank you very much for the two mentions in your Follow Friday this week. I too am honored.

    I really enjoyed delving into L. Frank Baum's life for Wednesday's post and I hope others enjoy it and learn more about him too.
