
Friday, July 19, 2013

Follow Friday - Favorites for July 19, 2013

Favorites is my weekly list of favorite genealogy, history and random finds from across the Net.
First female homesteader found at and
A review of The Big Divide, Missouri-Kansas Border Region Civil War sites travel guide
500 years of women's portraits in Western art - in three minutes  
A great blog prompt at Lara's Family Search: Ancestor Deep Dive
An interesting tale of how grog can lead you astray at Lives Once Left Behind
After Toil Comes Rest shares the Unemployment Relief Census of 1933 (Oklahoma)
Here comes the bride: an 1825 carriage
Wonderful photos of welcoming the newest generation at Threading Needles in a Haystack
Marian at Climbing My Family Tree remembers the Bronx's Freedomland
Great thoughts about collaboration at Desperately Seeking Surnames
The right stuff at The Old Trunk in the Attic 
Find Oregon ancestors at Historic Oregon Newspapers
The 54th, the medal and the law at the Legal Genealogist
Hotel horror, remembering the 1981 Hyatt Regency Hotel disaster in Kansas City


  1. After a cross-country move, I salute you for your fortitude, Heather! Surprised to see your Follow Friday post up today! Looks like a lot of great suggestions, as always.

  2. Thank you, Jacqi! I must admit the trip across the country was fun! And another secret...we don't move in to our house for another three weeks. I have nothing but time on my hands until then!

  3. You are welcome, Lara. Thank you for the great prompt idea!

  4. I've been meaning to tell you that your Follow Friday prompts are exceptional! I end up with several ideas for historical research or just fun stuff from the variety of suggestions you find to pass along. Thanks.

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy! I really enjoy pulling together the links and it's so nice to hear you enjoy them, too!
