My family recently visited Shenandoah National Park and the surrounding areas. Such a beautiful location. It was a short trip focused on enjoying the park with no time set aside for genealogy research. But I couldn't help but look at the beautiful view and think of my Virginia ancestors.
I have deep Virginia roots. My links to the Shenandoah area of the state include Augusta, Orange, Rockingham and Shenandoah counties and cross both my maternal and paternal lines.
As mentioned, I had no time to conduct genealogy research on this trip, but as a typical genealogist will, I did a little prep on the off chance that some research could be fit in. And it was clear right away that my genealogy research is not cross referenced by location and it would take quite a bit of work to iron it all out. One of the keys to extensive family history research are the records kept at the county level, and yet my filing system is not prepared to support those spur of the moment trips. What is a researcher to do? Create a tool, of course!
Now, when I'm out and about all I have to do is search for Shenandoah on my blog and I'll have quick access to each of the lines in that particular area. My hope is to continue this process in other locations, ultimately creating time-saving tools.