
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday's Tip - Pinterest

If you have not yet explored the addictive website Pinterest, I highly suggest it. Or perhaps all depends on how much expendable time you have. Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that allows you to gather ideas you find on the web into one place. Think of it as a bulletin board where you can pin all the great visual ideas you have seen on the Internet in one place and organize it better than your bulletin board at home. But Pinterest goes a step further and lets you see the great ideas of other people...hence where you will spend your expendable time!

Pinterest works by allowing users to "pin" content from a blog or website to Pinterest pin boards. You can organize your pins in whatever way you like. You may have noticed that some of your favorite blogs have added the Pin It symbol at the bottom of their blog entries. You can use this button to post the image with a link to the blog post to your Pinterest board. It goes without saying that this is a great way to market your blog.

I was first attracted to Pinterest for the different ideas for graphic design. But one day out of curiosity I did a search for "genealogy" and up came a photo from my blog! I was surprised and then excited because I realized what a gem this site could be for genealogy. I found some interesting ideas for framed genealogy trees, genealogy decorating, some old photos and more. Keep in mind that the bulk of the "pins" or images you see on Pinterest are linked to a website. So behind that one cool image you see there may be a website or blog with content right up your lane.

To top it off, some of your favorite websites are starting their own Pinterest boards as well. Here are just a few of the interesting boards I've come across: Pinterest board
Historic Images of America Pinterest board
U.S. National Archives Pinterest board

Pinterest is a great way to help in planning a party or a family reunion. You can search for party favor ideas, hotels, and activities and then gather it all on one board for all the planners to view. Or you can start a board of your favorite sites and books in your genealogy kit bag.

Some Pinterest ettiquette: Remember that some one still owns the image that you add to Pinterest so pin with caution. The proper way to "pin" something is to go directly to the website or blog itself and pin the image from there. This drives traffic to the original site. Avoid just "re-pinning" items from a friend's boards as this does not help out the original site.



  1. I need a Pinterest 101 class. Sigh.

  2. I've been using Pinterest for several of my blogs, but now that I know there are a bunch of genealogy boards, I'll probably have to start one specifically for that - thanks for the tip, Heather!

  3. I think that Pinterest could be a cool way to share family photos. I already post them to my blog and it would be easy to pin them.

    My plan is to start adding text to the pictures that I post on my blog by using Paint. I can add the names of who is in the picture and my website. That way if someone repins an image, they can still find my website.

  4. Excellent article. I just discovered Pinterest a week ago and am hooked. You've given us more ideas and information. Thank you.

  5. Thank you for your comments! I love Pinterest but I have learned that if I spent even half of the time I'm on Pinterest actually creating the things I find I would be a domestic diva! Alas, l'll just keep browsing!
