
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Pink bathroom

This is a photo of my mother in her grandparents' bathroom in the early 60s. I have no idea why this was the chosen setting for her photo, other than that it could have been a recent remodel of this room. I vividly remember my great-grandparents bathroom because it was so palatial compared to that of any bathroom I had ever seen.


  1. Very pink! My childhood family bathroom was so big that Mum put an armchair in it. It was always horribly cold. My first house had a 1970's avocado bathroom suite - grim :-)

  2. Funny! We lived in Germany for a few years and one bathroom was avocado and one was dark purple. It was the first and last time that I saw a green urinal!

    1. A green urinal is something I NEVER want to see. I think I might like a purple bathroom though ;-)

  3. Oh my gosh, that looks almost exactly like my mother's bathroom - and my bathroom growing up - TODAY! The house was built in 1956/1957 and we were the first (and only) residents. The bathroom has never, ever been remodeled.

    Well I'm fibbing a bit. Mom just had to have the floor replaced because the toilet (pink) was leaking. We made her (and the repairman) promise not to put that stupid toilet back in....but they did. At 84, Mom doesn't do well with change so I guess if it makes her happy we should just go with it.

  4. My grandparents lived in a static caravan, which was very palatial and their bath suite was the same shade of pink. It was very fashionable in the early 1970s!
